Starting a business is inherently risky. With no salary to fall back on, whether you make it or not purely depends on your ability to serve customers. Of course, some businesses present greater risk than others for reasons beyond income volatility. In this article, we highlight risky or dangerous businesses that can also be highly rewarding. Continue reading below to learn more about those high-risk, high-reward ventures.
1. Mold Removal
Let’s talk about mold removal to kick off this list of risky or dangerous businesses. Mold can grow inside a home after its spores make contact with wet surfaces. Those wet surfaces may be found in parts of your home that are exposed to the elements. Parts of the home that are often overlooked, such as the basement and attic, are also prone to leaking and mold growth.
Getting to the mold to remove it is a straightforward task. The actual removal is what makes running a mold remediation service potentially dangerous. The spores released by the mold can irritate your eyes, nose, and skin. You may also suffer headaches during the removal process.
Engaging in mold removal long-term can also adversely affect your immune system and lung health. You may experience frequent breathing difficulties because of this job. Some professionals have even experienced neurological issues because of mold exposure.
Reducing the risks of developing long-term health problems due to mold exposure requires investing in the right equipment. Invest in special PPE, HEPA vacuums, and other pieces of sophisticated equipment to keep yourself safe. Using the right cleaning equipment for mold removal is also key to mitigating risk.
2. Well Drilling
Drilling is another possibly risky or dangerous business venture that you can take on. Numerous accidents can take place on drilling sites. Equipment malfunctions can lead to severe injuries. The presence of oil and gas everywhere can also make workers who aren’t wearing the appropriate work shoes more susceptible to slip-and-fall accidents.
Those are far from the only dangers workers may encounter during well drilling. Make one mistake near the flammable materials, and you could trigger a massive explosion. Workers may also experience an electric shock after unknowingly using damaged equipment.
Those safety hazards already make well drilling a potentially dangerous business venture. Unfortunately, there are more long-term issues you need to worry about. Prolonged exposure to the chemicals often present at drilling sites can also have adverse effects on your health. Hearing loss is also a fairly common side effect linked to this type of job.
There is good money to be made in well drilling, but you must be willing to reinvest a big chunk of that in workplace safety. Purchase the latest equipment for your workers to protect them from hazards inherent to the job. Strict regulations are also critical for keeping everyone safe at drilling sites.
3. Septic Services
Septic work is a dirty but necessary job. You need septic tank maintenance to keep your plumbing in working order. We don’t have to clean the tanks, thanks to septic companies. The workers will remove the solid waste and sludge from your septic tank.
Because septic workers mainly rely on machines to clean septic tanks, you might have assumed their risk exposure is quite low. However, risks are still inherent to the type of work they do. Even minimal contact with raw sewage can lead to the development of troublesome infections. Specific illnesses septic workers should worry about include hepatitis, gastroenteritis, and skin infections.
Direct skin contact with raw sewage presents the greatest danger, but even accidental ingestion can occur. Workers for sewage companies also have to be wary of inhalation. You have to avoid prolonged exposure to the fumes because you can get sick from them.
The physical labor involved in septic service also makes it inherently risky or dangerous. Moving the cleaning equipment around can be hard on the body, and that can lead to injuries. Accidents can also occur when workers are fatigued while using the equipment. A heavy piece of equipment falling on a part of your body may necessitate a trip to the hospital.
4. Chimney Services
Becoming a chimney contractor can still be a good way to make money in this day and age. Even with different heating options available to homeowners, many still prefer to enjoy the heat and spectacle only a fireplace can provide. Of course, adequate preparation is a must for anyone planning to take on this line of work.
Chimney cleaning is considered risky or dangerous because you are frequently in contact with soot and smoke. Continued exposure to those elements can cause skin and eye irritation. You may also experience breathing troubles after chimney cleaning.
The risk level you’re taking on during chimney cleaning may also change based on the home’s design. Some chimneys extend high up, which can make them harder to clean. You have to put additional protections in place while cleaning those chimneys because you could end up injured from a fall otherwise.
5. Roofing
Falling from a significant height is one potential accident you must watch out for when cleaning a tall chimney. Falling is something you have to worry about constantly if you’re a residential roofer. Falls can occur if the roofs being serviced are not in good condition. You could fall because of the weakened roof structure or some loose shingles.
The poor condition of the roof is not the only possible explanation for accidental falls. Failing to set the ladder correctly can also cause you to fall while working. Roofers are also advised to set up additional barriers to stop a potential fall. The chances of you falling off the roof are greater if you don’t install those barriers ahead of time.
Unfortunately, the risks associated with roofing services go beyond potential falls. Roofing is also risky or dangerous because you are directly exposed to the heat of the sun. Wearing protective clothing can help, but you still cannot stay on the roof for too long. Heatstroke is a possibility if you don’t take a break from working under the scorching sun.
Roofers should also recognize the dangers presented by electrical wires and equipment. Working next to those dangerous elements may be necessary because of the home’s placement. Always keep them in mind while you’re working to avoid potential injury.
6. Deck Building
Deck building is the entry in this list that will probably surprise the most people. While building a deck is definitely hard work, it doesn’t necessarily seem risky or dangerous. At most, the job may seem more tiring than anything. That perspective on deck building can help explain why it leads to numerous accidents.
First off, a deck builder takes risks whenever they go digging around in someone’s backyard. Digging in the backyard is required to lay the foundation for a conventional deck. While doing so, you could hit supply lines in the ground and cause an accident. The homeowners are supposed to warn you about those supply lines, but they could accidentally forget those important reminders.
Moving the materials needed for deck building can also be a challenge. Lifting heavy objects is hard enough when you’re standing on even ground. That task becomes even more challenging if you’re working on uneven terrain. Tripping on a stone or tree root while carrying something heavy can also lead to significant injuries.
7. Demolition
While it would seem that tearing things down is simpler than building, we must acknowledge that demolition remains a risky or dangerous line of work. So many things can go wrong during a residential demolition project. Any one of those could spell serious trouble for you and your employees.
One of the more significant risks associated with residential demolition work is exposure to hazardous substances. Hazardous materials like asbestos and lead may be present in old homes. No one may know about their presence because those properties have remained empty for a long time. Your unsuspecting employees may be exposed to those toxic substances while carrying out demolition work.
Thorough preparations are also required before any demolition is performed. Failing to consider how the structure may fall can lead to accidents. Because of that oversight, some of your workers may get trapped in the falling debris.
Even with all the safety measures set in place, demolition can still be a risky job. Hearing problems are not uncommon for workers in this industry. You may also develop breathing issues caused by prolonged exposure to dust.
8. Excavation
Excavation is often required for major construction projects. A property owner may call a site excavation company to clear obstacles from a plot of land. In addition to site clearing, excavation companies also perform drilling, leveling, and trenching. Given the many heavy-duty tasks involved in excavation, it should come as no surprise that it’s also a risky or dangerous business venture.
Accidents can happen while materials are being removed from construction sites. Coordination between workers is essential because debris may be dropped in dangerous spots if they aren’t on the same page. Make sure you hire experienced workers to prevent those types of accidents.
Issues plaguing the excavation equipment can also make the project more dangerous for you and your workers. An inexperienced operator may not know what to do if a particular piece of machinery malfunctions. That situation can quickly lead to someone getting hurt.
Everyone at the worksite should also exercise caution while trenching is taking place. People navigating the worksite may accidentally fall into those worksites if they aren’t paying attention. Someone falling on a hard object inside the trench could have a disastrous outcome. Make sure you set up barriers around those excavated trenches to stop those accidents from taking place.
9. Tree Services
Working with trees is not as easy as it looks. Arborists must either be licensed or certified to render the services homeowners need. The aforementioned professionals undergo specialized education and training to ensure they can handle trees properly.
Removing trees can be complicated because they are living organisms. Trees age and die in different ways, which means that no one approach works for safe removal. A local tree removal service must examine the organism carefully before extraction takes place. Skipping any of the crucial steps may pave the way for an accident.
Removing trees is also tricky because of their height. When trees fall, they can get tangled up in electrical wires. You must account for that possibility and keep the trees from falling in any dangerous spots.
Height can also affect how the trees fall to the ground. The upper sections of taller trees tend to break off well before they hit the ground, and that can be a problem. Some of your workers could be buried under the tree branches if that happens. Tree removal is also risky or dangerous because you can fall from the trunk while trying to cut the branches.
10. Electrical Services
Last but not least, we need to discuss why being an electrician is inherently risky or dangerous. Unless you’re installing a new electrical system, chances are the wiring you’re working on already has issues. If you’re not careful, you can easily suffer electrical shocks and burns. You may also sustain injuries while inspecting the electrical system.
New installation projects aren’t necessarily safer for electricians. Setting up the wiring for a property’s higher floors can be tricky, and you also have to worry about falling. Expanding existing electrical systems can also be difficult and dangerous because you have to navigate various obstacles.
Other hazards inherent to electrical work that don’t get mentioned enough involve the tools and substances they use. Using sharp tools in tight spaces can lead to cuts and more serious wounds. Some of the substances electricians use can also be dangerous if they make direct skin contact.
Some businesses pose a greater risk than others. Still, you don’t have to avoid those business ventures if you follow proper safety measures. The financial rewards for operating those businesses are also quite tantalizing for entrepreneurs. Visit our website today to learn more about those high-risk, high-reward businesses!