man working remotely

Technologies You Didn’t Know You Need for Remote Work

The transition to remote work has made the adoption of various tech tools necessary in moving forward. Quick integration of innovations to business operations will make a big difference in adapting to the post-COVID-19 work landscape.

Of course, collaborative tools, project management software, and video conference and messaging platforms are a given. But your business may need other technologies that you didn’t realize it did. These will further streamline your remote work processes and allow your employees to transition with ease.

For Human Resource Management

Not only does using outdated human resource (HR) technologies unnecessarily complicate your HR tasks, but it also harms the overall employee experience. Going fully remote requires current HR tools to maintain work satisfaction.

Payroll Administration

Organizing payroll is more than signing checks and depositing money into bank accounts. It requires taking into account tax deductions, the leave computations, the work hour compliance, and more. It is a time-consuming process, and every business should have a team dedicated to handling it.

Small and big businesses alike will benefit from employing payroll services because learning a brand new system will be counterproductive due to the amount of time it will take. Your best route is to have a professional take the reins.

Outsourcing your payroll needs allows you to focus on other crucial aspects of your business. It also reassures you of accurate reports that you can supply to your employees and government requirements when necessary.

Talent and Applicant Management

The shift to remote work requires the remote handling and tracking of employees. A talent management platform will help HR staff observe the performance of existing employees. For some tools, data stored in them also allows the planning of training sessions and seminars to improve the team’s skills.

On the other hand, some platforms focus on applicant management. These specialized platforms simplify applicant tracking for various positions and chart interview schedules. Some systems even allow employers to post open positions directly onto job search websites using the app.

There is a good assortment of personnel management tools in the market today. Sort through the HR needs of your business and compare pricing and features before you settle on one.

men wearing a headset

For Data Organization

If a business is unprepared, the shift to remote work will mean losing files and documents when employees resume daily tasks. To avoid this, an efficient, all-around cloud service is necessary.

You are probably already using a cloud service of some form. The problem may be that its features do not fully address the daily needs of your business operations. For business in 2021, a cloud computing platform should be able to replicate your daily work system in a digital platform.

For the basics, however, your cloud platform should allow you to easily handle permissions for files so that remote employees have access to everything they need to work on. It should also have provisions for the backup and recovery of cloud data. Some services also have data analytics capabilities that may be extra useful for certain businesses.

For Cybersecurity

Since most, if not all, work interactions will happen online, your business needs ample security protocols to protect company data as well as your employees’ information. Many threats are lurking in the online sphere, so vital steps must be taken to minimize the risk of identity and information theft.

Multi-factor Authentication

Instruct your employees to use multi-factor authentication for their work accounts. This requires users to provide further identification before logging in. This takes on different forms, but one-time passwords and biometrics are popular methods for doing it.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN disguises your IP address while you are surfing the net. It hides your location while you are online, making it harder for advertisers and other trackers to watch your activity.

Using one for your business network enables all employees to protect their privacy and company information online. This is especially helpful for those who accomplish work tasks using public Wi-Fi networks, which are more vulnerable to attacks.

Antivirus Software

Whereas a VPN provides online safety, antivirus software watches out for malware and other threats that could compromise your device and the information stored in it. There are available enterprise versions in the market to answer the needs of bigger businesses.

Make sure that your choice of remote technologies will encourage productivity rather than overwhelm employees. A deluge of online tools may have them scrambling around too many platforms instead of helping them accomplish tasks.

Every business requires a unique set of tech solutions to ensure smooth operations in a remote setting. Take the time to examine what your business needs this 2021 and respond to those needs.

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